My good blogger friend, Elaine from the blog Foodbod, recently interviewed me about why I blog and posted it today. Since it’s ALL ABOUT ME (hehe), I had to share it. I have to admit, however; that it’s hard for me to look at that extreme close up of me.
Originally posted on foodbod:
My husband and son joke with me regularly for pronouncing so many things in my life to be ‘lovely’ but if something or someone is lovely, who am I to argue? So, today I bring you, yes, another LOVELY blogger, the lovely Celeste and Honk If You’re Vegan …
How long have you had your blog?
February 14th was my 1-year blogivesary.
What was your reason for starting it?
My husband and I started following a plant-based diet to see if it would lower my husband’s blood pressure and cholesterol and it did. What’s more, we both lost weight, our persistent skin conditions cleared up and we started feeling better than we had in years. Through our new diet, we also discovered a greater compassion for animals. I started my blog to share what we’ve learned and are continuing to learn.
What is your constant inspiration?
Hehe, sometimes I wonder…
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